To create holistic culture of health and wellness.

This is my story.
I was born and raised in India and moved to the USA in 2000.
My teenage years were very emotional, stressful and traumatic due to my ill health. I suffered from a condition called, PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) which is a hormonal disorder causing irregular heavy periods, severe depression, weight issues, mood swings, acne, insulin-resistant diabetes, and anemia. I was constantly stressed, had very low self-esteem, confidence issues and was an emotional wreck due to this. I didn't like to socialize much and focused mostly on my studies. I worked hard in spite of my health and other family issues and was able to become a dental surgeon which was my career goal. But I didn't take care of my health and suffered tremendously during this process.
After getting married I moved to the USA and pursued my studies to get licensed and be a dentist.
During this entire period, I just continued with life to achieve my career goals but not enjoying life to the fullest. I believed my bad health was a genetic given and I would never be able to change it. Doctors just prescribed me birth control pills, vitamins and metformin to control my symptoms but never advised me to change my lifestyle. I got serious side effects like weight gain, more depression, mood swings, low energy and bad migraines from this.
Eventually, at the age of 30, I conceived with my daughter and that was a changing point for me. I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes which scared me to research into taking care of myself as I didn't want to put my baby's life at risk for health issues. I met with a nutritionist and changed my eating habits, also started working out, meditating, practicing yoga, sleep and stress.
I changed my lifestyle and was able to manage my symptoms without medications after that. My health improved dramatically and I didn't need any more medications, within just a few months of changing my lifestyle.
But life constantly tests us, I lost my second baby due to a chromosomal abnormality and within a week of my surgery my husband suffered from back injury and also underwent a back surgery which disabled him for about 9 months, I took care of him ,but I didn't give up on me, my new lifestyle, and continued to take care of myself and maintained my new found health . It was a stressful time for our family and am glad that I didn't relapse with my emotional, mental and physical health.
My message here for everyone is that you can go through anything and maintain your total holistic health once you find your why and motivation factor, which was my daughter and family for me. I can help you find your whys and transform your habits to create permanent health and wellness. Soon we were blessed with another daughter and I didn't suffer from gestational diabetes this time, though I was 5 years older.
I’m now able to finally enjoy the process of my life and I'm not just working towards my goals.
I have worked as a dentist for 20 years now and constantly see my patients suffering from chronic disorders like I had in the past and taking medications. I realized that I can help as I have gone through this and have a passion for health, medical knowledge, expertise, and health coach training through the health coaching institute.
I can and want to help people live a life that they can enjoy every moment and achieve any goals. Health is the basis for any success and happiness.
The life span of people is increasing to a great extent, but unfortunately so are chronic diseases, anxiety disorders, and cancer rates.
Digestive Wellness
Food Allergies & Intolerance
Healthy Cooking & Meal Planning
Diet and Detoxification
Elimination Diets